Drying Wet Buildings
Since - 1997

What You Need to Do Immediately After a Storm

A house destroyed by a storm

Occasionally, powerful hurricanes cause considerable loss of lives and tremendous damage to properties in both Texas and Oklahoma. Some of the more fatal ones in recent years include Hurricane Allison in 2001 with 23 deaths in Texas, Hurricane Rita in 2005 with 59 fatalities, and Hurricane Ike in 2008 with 84 deaths in the same state.

Tornadoes offer a similar story, with both Texas and Oklahoma being in the region known as Tornado Alley — the area in the U.S. where tornadoes occur most frequently. Major tornadoes cause destruction in this region every year. In our service area, the biggest one in living memory would have to be the F4 tornado that struck Paris, Texas, on April 2, 1982. At least 10 people were killed by that twister, while another 170 were injured. All in all, more than 3,000 people lost their homes on that day.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns people to be extra-vigilant after such storms happen. This is because a lot of injuries happen when disaster-affected families begin their rescue and cleanup efforts.

Check for injuries – Check yourself and your loved ones for injuries. Small cuts and open wounds can be cleaned with soap and water before being disinfected with topical antibiotics. If someone has stopped breathing, perform CPR immediately if you are a trained individual. People who appear to be seriously injured should never be moved or they could suffer more injury. Call the paramedics immediately.

Be careful when entering damaged structures – Wear protective gear like gloves, long-sleeved shirt, and robust shoes or boots to protect yourself from sharp debris. Also wear an appropriate respirator because damaged homes or buildings can contain dangerous materials like asbestos, mold, and lead.

Have the damage inspected – If your property has been damaged by the storm, get a professional restoration contractor to check it out. Don’t return to your home or commercial property unless you are given an all-clear signal.

Avoid electrocution – Never touch damaged power lines and electrical equipment. Also watch out for floods because power lines could have fallen into them.

Be cautious of explosion risks - If you need light, use battery-operated emergency lanterns because heat sources like fire can ignite leaking gas from damaged utility lines, causing a fire explosion as a result.

Never walk or drive through floods – The floodwater could be deeper than you think. Furthermore, fast-moving floodwater can easily knock you off your feet, even if it is just a few inches deep. The water could also be carrying dangerous debris and pathogens.

Watch out for wild animals and pests – You could become exposed to vectors of diseases like mosquitoes and ticks if you stay outdoors after a storm. Make sure to protect yourself by wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants and by applying an insect repellent containing DEET. Also be wary of wild animals.

LMS Restoration is prepared to help individuals and families who have been affected by storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. Call us now at 903-229-4846 if you need immediate assistance. We offer 24/7 emergency support for our clients.